Please note that prices are subject to change due to fluctuations in the market. These suggested prices should only be used as a guideline, and clients must check our online store or contact us for a tailored quote before purchasing birds.
We believe in giving everyone having an opportunity to purchase incredible ducks, whether for beautiful pets or for exhibition purposes, and so we price our birds fairly and in line with the market's trends. We are also able to tailor packages specific to your needs - for example, if you would like to purchase a large number of birds, we are usually able to offer discounts.
PLEASE NOTE - We require a 50% deposit to secure your birds.
Pet Quality Ducks:
Single Male - £10.00
Pair - £30.00
Two Pairs - £45.00
Breeder Quality Ducks:
Single Male - £15.00
Pair - £45.00
Two pairs - £65.00
Basic Exhibition Quality:
Single Male - £30.00
Pair - £90.00
Two Pairs - £135.00
Elite Exhibition Quality:
Single Male - £50.00
Pair - £150.00